UDRP Complaint D2022-3446

Brought by BCH Pacific Limited & Noel William Lovisa

"For the foregoing reasons, however, the Complaint is denied"

Noel William Lovisa

Statement on BitcoinCashCity.com Hijacking Attempt

On November 16, 2022, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) made a ruling in the dispute relating to my domain BitcoinCashCity.com. The Panel rejected the complaint, brought by Noel Lovisa, and I shall therefore retain ownership of my domain. The full decision can be read here.

This was an egregious attack on me, an innocent domain name registrant, and I have been burdened with an expensive, time-consuming, and stressful defence of my lawfully registered domain name. Lovisa, in his attempt to take my domain from me, even filed incorrect sworn statements with WIPO and admitted to doing so after I called him out. While I am relieved that the Panel saw through this, and correctly ruled in my favour in relation to BitcoinCashCity.com, there is no remedy for the cost and harm inflicted upon me.

Why Noel Lovisa, who is active in this subreddit, chose to use the ICANN UDRP against me is unclear, but in my opinion he was trying to hijack a brand that I established (in March 2019) and which I hold relevant social media profiles and domains for, Bitcoin Cash City. He has been using my brand, without my permission, to benefit and add credibility to his business Code Valley who intends to sell its product to the Bitcoin Cash community. I created Twitter and Facebook profiles, as well as registering the domain name, in the first half of 2019 and they were utilized for the 2019 Bitcoin Cash City Conference of which I along with my partner were the organizers. Lovisa was involved in that conference to the extent of providing bookkeeping and administration services through one of his shell companies. Lovisa now operates a Bitcoin Cash City Reddit account created April 28, 2021, and a YouTube channel created May 7, 2021, but he needs the domain name to conduct a Bitcoin Cash City conference. He has been attempting to take my domain name, along with my YouTube channel which contained recordings from the 2019 Bitcoin Cash City Conference, since December of 2021. That is when I first began receiving threatening letters from his lawyer, and despite attempts to appease him, have continued throughout this year.

The WIPO decision is final, so who knows what Noel Lovisa will attempt next. All he can do is initiate proceedings against me in an Australian court, but that has not yet occurred despite repeated threats to do so. For certain he is conducting lawfare against me with the goal of expending my time and resources so that I cannot continue making videos, just as Craig Wright has against Bitcoin Developers to stop them from writing code. I will not give in, and I hope that what I feel as harassment against me is condemned.